Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Beauties of the Logan Temple and Grounds

Monday is a good day to go to the Temple, even though it is not open. The grounds are open, however, and there are generally not many people around, nor are there many cars in the parking lot to detract from any pictures one might like to take. Accordingly, I took my camera and went to up to the Temple, (We are fortunate to live only a block and half away from this beautiful and sacred, historic edifice.) which has been so important in our lives. I wanted to take some photos of the grounds, which are especially beautiful this year, before the first frost and the flowers need to be removed and the beds prepared for the winter. I love to share my feelings for the Temple and hope someone will enjoy seeing these pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Anticipating of Fall

Just a touch of fall exploring with my new camera. Ah, Autumn!!!!!! Come !!!!!

I Love to See the Temple

The Logan Temple is a place of love, peace, and beauty. Right now the flowers surrounding the Temple are at their peak, just another reason to go to the Temple soon.

Alison's Perspective on Her Dad

The man behind the lens! This man is amazing at photography and has an eye to capture God's beauty even in its smallest form. We are fortunate and blessed to have him in our lives. He helps us every day to see the beauty all around us and recognize the creator of it all. Love you dad!

Fishing with Micah and Tristen

 Fishing with Grandsons. A few days ago Micah and Tristan asked me if I would take them fishing on Monday (Labor Day). What better way could there be than to spend a few hours out in nature with some of my grandsons trying to catch a few fish. Their first choice was to go up Logan Canyon to Third Dam and try to catch a few trout. We could see them swimming in the river, but they obviously were uninterested in anything we had to offer, so we decided to change venues and went out to the area near the Benson Marina. It was the first time there for Micah and Tristan. We caught some bullhead catfish and Micah caught a Crappie. They were excited and we didn't get home until dark-thirty. We made some good memories and they are looking forward to another fishing trip with grandpa. Life is good!

Last night we discovered that the "half-light" is not only to be found in the canyon, but also as the river runs through the valley below. It was an awesome experience to be with Micah and Tristan last night in the "half-light" of the valley. where "A River Runs Through It" also.
Bart H. Eborn's photo.

Family Fun Days

Family! How I love my family! We were very happy to be able to spend some quality time with many of our family members these past two days. We missed the ones who were unable to make it, but we know that there are such things as time, distance, and duty which some times conflict. Rest assured that you were in our thoughts and prayers. We love each and every one of you very much. It seemed a little bit strange to be at Hyrum State Park rather than at our beloved Bear Lake, but we decided to forego the big crowds and the busy highways in favor of a little more time on the jet skis and a little less time dodging traffic. As near as I could determine a good time was had by all. We have so much to be grateful for and need to count our blessings each and every day. My greatest wish is that we will be a forever family. It takes a constant effort on the part of each of us, but the journey can be filled with joy, as we saw today, and the promises and joys of Eternal Family Relationships are beyond our present ability to comprehend. I look forward to the rest of eternity with each and every one of you. Love you more than mere words can express. Below are a few pictures of the fun times we had these past couple of days. Sorry that I missed getting good pictures of some. I was experimenting with my new camera and still in learning mode. Actually, I will forever be in learning mode. At least I hope so.

Some of Samantha's Photos of our Family Fun Days.

A good time was had by all. Cousin reuniting, good food, entertainment, and best of all LOVE! We had the opportunity to spend a few days this weekend with family at the Bart and Iris family reunion. Thanks Bart and Iris for making this happen! We missed those who were unable to attend.

Temple Boulevard Second Branch Growth

On Saturday we were able to witness the baptism of the two newest converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in our little Chinese speaking branch. It is growing and there seems to be a wonderful Spirit among the members. We are blessed to know these wonderful people and to be a part of what is happening. It is not hard to see the hand of the Lord in this work. It seems many are being directed to this land where they can learn of the Restored Gospel and how it can bless them and their people. We know that the true gospel of Jesus Christ was restored in our day to bless the lives of all people everywhere. We can see, at least in part, the fulfillment of the prophecy as stated in the Doctrine and Covenants 90:11
"For it shall come to pass in that day, that every man shall hear the fullness of the gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelation of Jesus Christ."
Today, Sunday, we were able to be in attendance when these two outstanding students at USU were confirmed members of the Church and given the Gift of the Holy Ghost . The magnitude of this blessing is beyond expression. We are planning on going to the Temple to do baptisms for the dead as a Branch on September 17. Everyone is looking forward to performing these sacred ordinances for deceased relatives. We are so grateful to be a small part of this great work.
We also had our first English class for Chinese speaking people this past Wednesday evening. We had some new students and some great friends show up and we had a good time. We are expecting more to come in the coming weeks. Attached is a picture of the happy new members of our Branch.

New English class for Chinese

Again this year we will be having a "CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH CLASS" for people from China and Taiwan who are living in Cache Valley and the Logan area. We hope you can come and that you will forward this message to others who may be interested.

Hiking the Wellsvilles on Smoky Day

The weather forecast for Tuesday called for clear skies, a bright sun shiny day. I had eagerly anticipated a hike to the top of the Wellsvilles and the opportunity to see literally hundreds of miles in every direction and to feel the exhilaration of a mountain breeze in my face and to see the awaited beauty always inherent in a day in the mountains. From the outset, I recognized that this would be no ordinary day. For several days, we had heard the news reports of the wildfires burning in the Northwest., Oregon, Washington, and Western Idaho, as well as Nevada and even Northern California. We have been concerned for the lives and the property of some of our friends and acquaintances who live near the areas most affected by these blazes. The smoke from the fires has been carried by high altitude winds to the east and by this past weekend had filled the skies over Cache Valley and the mountains of the surrounding areas. It has resulted in some amazing sunsets, but otherwise the views have been much different and more restricted than usual. Undeterred, I set out early for Box Elder Peak, via the Rattlesnake Canyon Trail. If I were to go to the top, I would be looking at about a 4500 foot elevation gain. I had never been on the trail and didn't exactly know just what to expect. After hiking up the canyon trail through the maples and Giant Chain Ferns, I eventually broke out into the open area a couple of miles from the trail head.. I looked out over beautiful Cache Valley. It was filled with smoke and haze. One could barely see the mountains in the distance, and it was with some difficulty that one could even make out the most prominent towns and highways below. At one point along the ridge I stopped to rest, to have good cold drink from the water bottles I had brought along, and, of course, to ponder, as I often do while out in nature. As I sat there on the mountainside the words of Paul to the Corinthians came to my mind: 1 Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." Life is a journey, a journey fraught with difficulty and uncertainty, but with a promise to the faithful. Our Father in Heaven knows us. He knows all things, not only as they are, but as they have been and as they ever will be. He wants the best for us all, and "He leads, us, He leads us along." I sat there on the mountain, gazing out at the smoggy scene before me and rejoiced at the thought of a better day, when we will see clearly and praise the Lord face to face. I didn't go quite all the way to the summit, leaving that to a time "on a clear day" when I can see forever. Before heading down the mountain I raised my eyes toward the heavens. The sky was clear, The sky was blue and I was reminded of the direction all must look if we are to see all that we are intended to see, and understand all that we are capable of understanding. It gave new meaning to the words: "Keep your head up!" Have faith! There are brighter days ahead! "The Sun will come up tomorrow.", and the Son will come soon too. This I know.