Monday, August 17, 2015

What are Huckleberries?

Huckleberries. They are more than just berries. They are huckleberry pies, and huckleberry cheesecake. They are huckleberry/raspberry jam. There is none better. They are free, except for the cost of getting to them and the time taken to pick them. They are good times spent with family in the mountains. They are time spent discussing the deeper things of the Kingdom with my brother. They are memories of my parents working together to provide winter treats for their children. They are memories of stained fingers as well as stained jeans from sliding around the hillside on our rear ends. They are long hours alone in the forest contemplating the Creator and the things of eternity. They are happy smiles from friends and neighbors who receive a token of our love in the form of a gift of a bag of huckleberries. They are a steady stream of questions from huckleberry fans who are less familiar with where they are located. They are aching bones and joints after a long day picking in the mountains. They are happy smiles of grand kids both as pickers and as they taste a bowl full of huckleberries covered with sugar and cream. They are huckleberry ice cream and huckleberry cobbler. They are memories shared by parents of huckleberry picking excursions by by families and even community in years long past. They are fond memories of my dog, River, sitting near me as I picked. and eating the berries as fast as possible. They are the memories of huckleberry "tootsie rolls" on the lawn left there by River after a day with me on the huckleberry hill. They are quietness, except for the breeze in the trees and the buzzing of the bees. They are legends of misplaced/lost berries which were so valuable that the picker went back into the mountains for two or more days on horseback in search of his lost bucket of huckleberries. They are quiet reminders of God's great love for his children and the other creatures of His creation. They are also reminders that the good things of life should not be taken for granted as they are not always plentiful. They are the satisfaction of a store of huckleberries in the freezer stored a way in anticipation of a happy day yet to come. They are teachers of gratitude and persistence. They are improved eyesight because of the nutrients they contain among other benefits.They are huckleberry pancakes and huckleberry syrup and huckleberry shakes, and huckleberry chocolates. They are adventures with a bunch of boy scouts. The are disappointment after tripping in the brush and spilling the berries you've already picked. They are memories of horse flies and deer flies.. They are humility, knowing Who created them and Why. I could go on, but it sufficeth to say that huckleberries are way more than just berries. They are so precious that the saying: "I am/you are my/your huckleberry!" has become a part of the vernacular and means You are the best! Or I'm the best person you could get for the task at hand." It is a superlative. The Best. With all these thoughts rolling around in my mind it's a wonder I am able to pick two and a half gallons in a day, which I did this past week.
I am grateful to live where the huckleberries grow.

Kinsey and Ryan's Wedding at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple

We had the opportunity and honor to be in attendance at our oldest granddaughter, Kinsey's, wedding yesterday. They were married in the Oquirrh Mountain Temple in West Jordan, Utah. We are thrilled that they have chosen to spend the rest of eternity together. A Temple Wedding is a beautiful and sacred event. Now it is on to day by day living those sacred covenants and building a Celestial Marriage. Kinsey and Ryan met at Utah State just since she returned home from her mission in Sweden about 8 months ago. Ryan served his mission in Paraguay and returned home a couple of years ago. They will both be continuing their education at USU. I could tell from the first moment I saw them together that this was a couple very happy to be together and who were focused on making a life together forever. How wonderful! We love you both and are so proud of who you are and the direction you have chosen to go. May God bless you always!

Beauty at Home

I love to go hiking out in God's beautiful creation. It always humbles me to see how the Master Gardner works, and to know that He breaths the very breath of Life into every living thing, including us; sometimes, however, I need to just stop and look around us and at the beauties in our own yard. It's not very big, but we attempt to make it look like we are at least tying to make our home a bit of heaven on earth. There is beauty all around! We truly live in a little Slice of Heaven. We are grateful beyond measure for our many blessings.

Crimson Trail Hike

I went for a little hike along the Crimson Trail today. I have done this several times before. It is always beautiful and today was no exception. The temperature was just perfect. It's just August, but there is definitely a touch of fall in the air. Love it.

Cache Valley Mornings

Every Morning is amazing. You want to know why I can't sleep at night? I can't wait until morning. You just never know what the Gallery has in store for today.
Cache Valley Morning!


We've been "celebrating" today. Today marked our 49th Anniversary. On July 29th, 1966 we had our treasured "Temple Marriage." It meant a great deal to us then and it still does. We have learned, however, that a Temple Marriage is more or less an event. It is a special day when we present ourselves before the Lord in His Holy House and make sacred COVENANTS with our Father in Heaven and each other as well as our future children and posterity. It represents sacred COVENANTS that we make to all who know us or ever will know us to be exemplary in our lives and the way we treat one another, our family and everyone we come in contact with. We were not perfect then and we certainly are not perfect now, but we have been blessed, blessed from the outset with a knowledge that we are in this endeavor together forever. This understanding and COVENANT has aided us in good times and in bad, in moments of joy and moments of sorrow. We have never doubted that we were to be one. This has not always been easy, but neither of us have ever wavered in our belief in the eternal nature of our Union. There are a few things that have been most beneficial in helping us to steer the desired course. The First was the decision to be married by proper authority for time and all eternity in a Temple of God. The Second was a commitment to pray together. The Third was to attend Church meetings every Sunday and partake of the Sacrament and renew our COVENANTS on a weekly basis. We've missed our Sunday meetings a few times, but not very many. We've missed praying together sometimes, but we have always recognized the power of prayer and have frequently called upon the Lord for help. We can't and don't want to go it alone. We have tried to go to the Temple as often as possible, though we have sometimes missed Temple attendance for a couple of months. Our hearts have told us that Temple ordinances and Temple learning are very important and are fundamental in strengthening a marriage that is intended to be not only eternal, but Celestial. Today we attended the Temple to celebrate our 49th Wedding Anniversary and then had a great dinner at Red Lobster We have done this probably forty of the forty-nine years we've been married (Well, maybe not always Red Lobster). Sometimes the Temple was closed, or for whatever reason, we told ourselves we couldn't go, but for the most part, we have taken our COVENANTS very seriously, and have been blessed in many ways for doing so. We are trying to create a CELESTIAL MARRIAGE. We have a ways to go, but we feel we are making headway, all be it slowly, and we are enjoying the days of our lives. Hopefully the lessons we have learned can be of assistance to someone else as they tread their own path toward a rewarding and happy married life forever. I tricked Iris on the kiss. I set the camera timer for twelve seconds and told her she had to hold it. Best one for a long time. Love that girl so much.!