Friday, December 28, 2012

A Wonderful Christmas 2012

In spite of predictions attributed to some people's interpretation of the Mayan Calendar the world did not come to an end on 21 December 2012.  In fact we had a wonderful Christmas.  Our celebrating always starts  right after Thanksgiving.  We generally put up our Christmas Tree as soon after Thanksgiving as possible.  For most of my life we have had a real Christmas tree, which we went into the mountains to get.  Our place here in Logan is a little smaller and so we decided last year to buy a false tree.  We used it again this year and probably will from here on.  I do miss the aroma of fresh pine in the living room though.  Ryan continues to follow the old family tradition, but at least as far as I know he's the last.  Their tree was beautiful too.  I actually think he's getting a little better at picking trees out of the forest.  It is hard to find that perfect tree, especially if they are covered with snow.  It makes a good outing in the woods and makes memories, never to be forgotten.
We enjoyed all the traditional festivities,  decorations, visits from friends and family, Christmas cards, shopping for gifts, the beautiful Christmas music, sharing memories of Christmas past, and especially remembering the real reason for the season, the birth of our Savior and all that that means to each of us.  We visited our kids here in Cache Valley before and also after Christmas.  We plan on a little trip to see the others during the first couple of weeks in January, while the temple is closed.  We'll be back in time for our duties on January 15th.  We enjoyed very nice Christmas party with our temple workers group, but we missed the ward party because we were on duty at the temple that night.   Oh, well, I have still not figured out how to be in two or more places at once. 
Sometimes we just have to choose.  We especially enjoyed helping the patrons who came to the Temple trying their best to pay their respects and to honor the Savior by coming to His house at this special time of the year.
One of the highlights of this Christmas season was Christmas Eve with Ryan and Samantha and their sweet kids.  Ryan did most of the cooking and I must say it was very good.  He must have learned that from someone.  Probably not me.  We experienced the feeling of the excitement of Christmas Eve with the little ones.  Each of our grandchildren bring a special joy into our lives.  We are glad that they all have loving families and that all have sufficient for their needs.  I think all of them had a wonderful Christmas.  We love them so.

Thanks to Ryan, Samantha and family we had a wonderful Christmas Eve.

 A glowing fire.
 A fresh cut Christmas tree with happy children. 
Grandma Iris and our sweet little Neveah, the latest addition to our clan. She is a little angel.

We made a few visits to friends and neighbors who are ailing.  Our good friend and neighbor Tex is suffering with bone cancer.  He and his wife, Karen, found out about it while the were serving as missionaries in Nauvoo.  They had to come home for treatment.  His immune system is way low so they can't risk getting bugs from visitors, so we mostly just stay in touch via e-mail or the phone.
Our neighbor across the street fell a week ago breaking her pelvis in four places and also four ribs.  She is 82, tin and brittle.  In addition she has very limited eyesight.  She and her husband are spending the remainder of their holidays in the hospital and rehab center.  Not exactly what anyone would want, but we take one day at a time and try to make the best of it.  That's exactly what they are doing.
Also, tonight we made a call to wish JT, our oldest grandson a happy birthday.  It's hard to believe he is a returned missionary, married man, and hard working husband and student.  He is such a joy to us all.  We are particularly grateful that he is home from Russia.  Things are not going very well over there right now for Mormons.  Some people just don't really understand what is good for them.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter Comes to the Logan River

The first official day of winter has arrived.  We will have a white Christmas.  We got some good heavy, wet snow a few days ago and though the depth of it is now somewhat diminished, the weather has now turned much colder and that will preserve the white Christmas for us, I believe.  Not that it really matters a whole lot.  But I guess it really does add something to the traditional spirit of Christmas.
I took a few minutes this after noon and drove up the canyon, just to see the beauty of the new snow in the mountains.  In most places it has melted off the trees, but I found a few spots that were worth taking a picture of. 

The Logan River has a beauty all its own in every season of the year, December 20, 2012.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

O Come O Come Emanuel

I just listened to an inspiring rendition of the Christmas hymn, O Come O Come Emanuel.  It was inspiring and beautiful to me and I hope someone out there might enjoy it as I'd during this special season of the year.  It is performed by the Piano Guys.  They do great work in all that they do. Just click on the link below. As you listen read and try to absorb the wonerous message.

O Come O Come Emanuel

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's tyranny
From depths of Hell Thy people save
And give them victory o'er the grave
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death's dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Key of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, O come, Thou Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height,
In ancient times did'st give the Law,
In cloud, and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Devotional 2012

We just finished watching the annual First Presidency Christmas Devotional.  I hope all of you took advantage of this special opportunity as well.  We are so blessed in our lives to be members of the Church of Jesus Christ and to have prophets and apostles to lead and to guide us.  We are even more blessed by the life, example and mission of the Lord, Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate at this season of the year.  Each of the messages was filled with the Spirit and each was inspiring as they helped us to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and to give thanks for the unspeakable gift of our Father in Heaven to all of us who live, or ever have lived or will ever live on this earth.  My faith in this great gift far exceeds my understanding and my gratitude grows deeper and deeper with each passing day. I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday season and the none of us will get caught up in the worldly celebration at the expense of the real meaning of the season.  We have great reason to sing praises and to show our praise through our service and care for others.  We love you all and are ever grateful for your presence in our lives and the joy each of you have brought and continue to bring us through  the way you live your own lives and the goodness of your families.  We wish everyone the choicest of blessings at this season and always.
We were not there for the devotional personally, but have visited the wonderous place during the Christmas season in the past and may yet have that opportunity this year.  Each glittering light to me is symbolic of the greater Light, the Light of the World, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas time.

After listening to the doom and gloom  projected by those who lead the nations of the world, it is refeshing to know that, through the Lord Jesus Christ, we may be saved and we may find joy in this world with our families and in the world to come as well.
May we keep the life and mission of our Savior in the forefront of our lives.  In a world filled with doubt, deceit, and wickedness, He is the one sure way, the one we can count on unconditionally.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Changing Seasons in Cache Valley

The Cache Valley is blessed with four decidedly different seasons, each of which has beauty in its own right.  Sometimes I've been known to say that Spring is my favorite time of the year, and yet one could also find me expressing like sentiments about each succeeding season and even the changes from season to season.  We have had a beautiful fall this year, but we have also been reminded that winter is just around the corner.  The changes of color on the foliage of the trees can be spectacular.  Likewise the first real snow on the mountains is equally as inspirational.  We often take these special beauties around us for granted.  I think it is important to stop occasionally and give thanks for the wonders of nature.  A few hours alone in nature with the right frame of mind can do wonders for the mind and the soul.  There is so much to learn and to appreciate and one could search far and wide to find a better teacher than nature itself, especially when accompanied by the Spirit.  I give thanks for the opportunity I had to grow up and to spend most of my life close to nature and to learn early in my life of the Creator and to be alert to the many things He has to teach us in so many different ways.  I love the fact that we can look out for miles in most any direction and be filled with wonder as the days and the seasons pass.

Below are a few pictures of Cache Valley as it changes from fall to winter.
Logan is a city of many trees.  In the fall it is a city of changing colors and falling leaves.  Ryan and Samantha will attest to that now that they are settled into their new home on the Logan River
Nearby Logan Canyon is a virtual wonderland in the fall as the trees and bushes along the river come ablaze with color and beauty, to say nothing of the fishing.

A look toward the west reveals the Wellesvilles, a wonder of nature at this season of the year in their own right.

Nature in Cache Valley does not go untouched by the hand of man, both for good and for bad.  The beautiful Logan Temple adds a special touch to an already beautiful landscape, while the man made smoggy soup which settles in the bottom of the valley at times would be better left behind
 The first sings of winter snows have already fallen in the mountains.  With rising temperatures and some rain they have melted and disappeared only to come again another day in the not to far distant future,
The Logan Temple in the morning light adds a specail beauty to the valley and the snow covered Wellesvilles to the west.

Thanksgiving Weekend 2012

Our other blog (Bear Lake Eborns) has reached it's maximum capacity.  We are therefore starting a new blog.  It will be called ( Eborns).  I guess, after more than four years, it's about time.

Like most others in America, we have been celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday this past weekend. Most of the family went down to Nevada to Philip and Megan's place for Thanksgiving this year. There were some who couldn't go and ultimately we decided it would be best for us to stay a little closer to home as well. We had Temple assignments Friday on Friday and Saturday and just didn't feel like we'd be up to it if we had to drive all night on Thursday night to be here for our Friday assignment. I suppose we could have got subs, but it is discouraged and we always like to be counted on as being dependable. Stephen and Candice were kind to us and invited us to celebrate the day with them and their sweet family in Lehi. We are so glad they are a little closer now. We enjoyed our time there and the hospitality that they and Candice's sister, Kerri, showed to us while we were in Lehi. We had a great traditional Thanksgiving meal and enjoyed being around at least some of the ones we love so much. Ryan and Sam spent the day in Preston with her family and Justin and Chalisa spent the day with the Michaeliss.
On Friday we worked our shift at the Temple and on Saturday we went back to be with a young couple we have been working with who were sealed in the Logan Temple. After the sealing we went to the USU football game. The Aggies won. This has been one of their best seasons ever. They finished 10-2 and got a bowl bid. This is the first Aggie football team ever to win 10 games in a season. Ryan and Tristan went with me and it was fun to spend a little time outdoors in the sunshine on a late fall afternoon. The weather around here is not always so nice at this time of the season.

I also found a coupe of hours for a good walk along the river in Logan Canyon. The air was crisp and invigorating. There is indeed much to be grateful for. Below are just a few pictorial reminders of a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Candice took this picture of her awesome kids and their grandparents just before we left Lehi for Cache Valley.  We had a great time and we hope each you and your family did as well. We always enjoy being around Stephen and Candice and their family.  They always make us feel so welcome .  As you can see, the kids are all growing so fast.  It's hard for us to believe that Sophie is just a couple of weeks short of six years old.  Where do all the years go?
I spent a few hours in Logan Canyon this past weekend as well.  The ducks appear be having a tough time making up their minds,   Now wait a minute.  Shall we swim or shall we walk?  As you can see we've had a few cold days of late.  The river was frozen over in some of the slower flowing areas with a thin layer of ice.  It's probably going to get thicker before it disappears next spring.  Nonetheless, it was very beautiful
On Saturday we attended the final Aggie football game of the season.  The won going away, beating the University of Idaho, by a score of 45-9.  This has been one of the best football seasons fir the Aggies in many years,  They finished 10-2 and were rated in the top twenty-five.  Now it's on to a bowl game.  Ryan and Tristan came with me.  The weather was great for a late November day.

Big Merlin Olsen,  Aggie hero.  Little Tristan Eborn, my little Aggie hero.

When I was in college at USU, Merlin Olsen was one of the teams stars.  He went on to play in the NFL and and to star in movies.  He grew to be a larger than life legend around Logan and the USU campus.  Here is a picture of a statue of Merlin Olsen and one of my present day heroes, Tristan.
We enjoyed being in the stadium with thousands more cheering Aggie fans.