Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend 2012

Our other blog (Bear Lake Eborns) has reached it's maximum capacity.  We are therefore starting a new blog.  It will be called ( Eborns).  I guess, after more than four years, it's about time.

Like most others in America, we have been celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday this past weekend. Most of the family went down to Nevada to Philip and Megan's place for Thanksgiving this year. There were some who couldn't go and ultimately we decided it would be best for us to stay a little closer to home as well. We had Temple assignments Friday on Friday and Saturday and just didn't feel like we'd be up to it if we had to drive all night on Thursday night to be here for our Friday assignment. I suppose we could have got subs, but it is discouraged and we always like to be counted on as being dependable. Stephen and Candice were kind to us and invited us to celebrate the day with them and their sweet family in Lehi. We are so glad they are a little closer now. We enjoyed our time there and the hospitality that they and Candice's sister, Kerri, showed to us while we were in Lehi. We had a great traditional Thanksgiving meal and enjoyed being around at least some of the ones we love so much. Ryan and Sam spent the day in Preston with her family and Justin and Chalisa spent the day with the Michaeliss.
On Friday we worked our shift at the Temple and on Saturday we went back to be with a young couple we have been working with who were sealed in the Logan Temple. After the sealing we went to the USU football game. The Aggies won. This has been one of their best seasons ever. They finished 10-2 and got a bowl bid. This is the first Aggie football team ever to win 10 games in a season. Ryan and Tristan went with me and it was fun to spend a little time outdoors in the sunshine on a late fall afternoon. The weather around here is not always so nice at this time of the season.

I also found a coupe of hours for a good walk along the river in Logan Canyon. The air was crisp and invigorating. There is indeed much to be grateful for. Below are just a few pictorial reminders of a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.

Candice took this picture of her awesome kids and their grandparents just before we left Lehi for Cache Valley.  We had a great time and we hope each you and your family did as well. We always enjoy being around Stephen and Candice and their family.  They always make us feel so welcome .  As you can see, the kids are all growing so fast.  It's hard for us to believe that Sophie is just a couple of weeks short of six years old.  Where do all the years go?
I spent a few hours in Logan Canyon this past weekend as well.  The ducks appear be having a tough time making up their minds,   Now wait a minute.  Shall we swim or shall we walk?  As you can see we've had a few cold days of late.  The river was frozen over in some of the slower flowing areas with a thin layer of ice.  It's probably going to get thicker before it disappears next spring.  Nonetheless, it was very beautiful
On Saturday we attended the final Aggie football game of the season.  The won going away, beating the University of Idaho, by a score of 45-9.  This has been one of the best football seasons fir the Aggies in many years,  They finished 10-2 and were rated in the top twenty-five.  Now it's on to a bowl game.  Ryan and Tristan came with me.  The weather was great for a late November day.

Big Merlin Olsen,  Aggie hero.  Little Tristan Eborn, my little Aggie hero.

When I was in college at USU, Merlin Olsen was one of the teams stars.  He went on to play in the NFL and and to star in movies.  He grew to be a larger than life legend around Logan and the USU campus.  Here is a picture of a statue of Merlin Olsen and one of my present day heroes, Tristan.
We enjoyed being in the stadium with thousands more cheering Aggie fans.


1 comment:

Jason said...

Seems like I have reached my capacity with blogspot and will need to be starting a new blog soon. Looks like you had a great weekend too, I bet Tristan was a riot at the game :).
