Sunday, February 24, 2013

Grand Kid Moments

We are blessed with many grandchildren.  Some of them live close by, some not so close.  Most of them are busy with school and other activities, some a little less so.  We always love it when we can be around them and see what they do. For the most part they even seem to enjoy have Grandma and Grandpa pay a little special attention to them.  This week I took Tristan up to First Dam to feed the ducks and geese.  It seems like this is a fairly common activity around here during the winter months.  The kids enjoy it and so do the ducks and geese.
Tristan posing (sort of) for a picture during our little outing to First Dam.
We have always tried to support our children and grandchildren in their sporting endeavors.  We are not quite as diligent in this regard with our grand kids as we were when our own children were participating.  I guess that's where their own parents come in, but we are glad that they get involved in sports and physical activities.  The modern world seems to promote playing video games and watching TV etc. where most would be better off outside kicking a ball around or riding bikes, or going for a hike  or a multitude of other wholesome activities.  I know active kids are happier and healthier than those who lead a sedentary life style when they are young.  The time comes soon enough when we can't be as active as we should.  Ethan has been playing Jr. Jazz basketball this winter.  We took the opportunity to watch his game yesterday.  While we were there Justin asked this question:  "Were we that bad when we were that age.?"  My reply was, "No."  That's as far as I want to go on that question at this stage of my life.
Ethan in action at the Logan Rec. Center on Saturday.
Here is Ethan with his coach and team mates.  It's good to be a part of a team and to learn to play together.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Jane Eyre at the Ellen Eckles Theater

Logan is a relatively small town with  a better than average reputaion for it's cultural excellence.  I'm sure it doessn't compare favorably to the dramatic and musical events to be found on Broadway in New York or some of the other larger cities around the country, but during the heat of the summer Logan and Cache Valley actually does draw talent from many of the better theaters around the country and even the world.  These people often praise the area not only for its natural beauty, but also for the quality of cultural events that take place here,  This past week we decided to celebrate Iris' birthday and Valentines day by going out to dinner at the Sizzler and then going to the musical stage play of Jane Eyre.  To be honest, I really didn't know much about it  beforehand.  I did take a small self-administered crash course on the novel upon which it is based by perusing the information provided on Wikipedia, certainly not in depth, but nonetheless helpful.  It helped to make the event very enjoyable.  The story line was good, in my view, and the quality of the actors, the singing, and everything associated with the staging of the play were excellent.  There was a large crowd there and they all seemed to enjoy the show, just as we did,  We need to do these kinds of things more often, and in Logan we really do not have any great excuse.
Alison was kind to us and gave us the theater tickets.  We very much appreciate her thoughtfulness,
 This was a wonderful story about the tragedies, life, love,  and eventual redemption of a young orphan girl in the early 19th century in England, struggling against the odds for a happy life in the England of the day which placed so  much emphasis on the status associated with a person's birth.
This is the entrance to the Ellen Eccles Theater here in Logan.  It is the scene of many excellent  theatrical productions, ranging from high brow opera to slap stick melodramas  like those staged at the Pickleville Play House in Garden City during the summer months.

This is a view of the Ellen Eccles Theater as it looked when we arrived.  We had reserved sears in the middle in the fifth row at oechestra level.  Pretty  cool, I'd say.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Visit with Alison and Ammon's Family

Alison invited us out to their place after church meetings for dinner.  As always they had a wonderful
Sunday dinner prepared for us. Ammon and Alison work together as a team and they not only provided us with a good meal, but a good time also.  We always appreciate Ada, Avery, and Addison.  They always seem to want us to come and we enjoy being around and seeing what they do.
This time it was to show us their new "SNOW HOUSE", carefully dug into a large snow pile, made of snow which had been removed from their drive way etc.  It's kind of like the one we have in our front yard.  We just haven't gotten around to creating our own "SNOW HOUSE". I guess I'm afraid Grandma might make me sleep in it.  Brrrr!!! Just the thoughts of it makes me chill.  These are fun activities for the kids though and will make good memories of home.  Below are just a couple of pictures.

Home, Sweet, Home for Ada and Avery, well, at least for a few minutes.  I'm so glad they don't have to live in an igloo.

Alison and Ada making cookies in the kitchen after dinner.  I asked Ada how many cookies her mom has made.  Her reply: "About a million."  No wonder they are so good.  Practice makes perfect.