Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Photos from the Aumumn of Life

In the past few years I have tried to avoid mirrors as much as possible.  It seems every time I pass a glance at one I am more and more startled by the inevitable.  I am growing older and it's beginning to show at an alarmingly accelerated pace.  Looks is just one thing, but I'm beginning to feel it in my bones and joints, especially as the warm days of summer turn into the cooler days of autumn.  I know, I'm not alone and I certainly would not want to change places with anyone I know.  In fact I am abundantly blessed and very thankful to be in good health and able to accomplish the things I need to do and even most of the things I truly want to do.  Nonetheless,  I've been a little concerned that Iris and I have not had a picture of just the two us taken in quite some time, at least a picture that we might want to frame.  I decided that if it was ever going to be, it would need to be soon.  Accordingly one day when Alison was at our place visiting for a while, we asked her if she'd consider coming on this past Sunday evening and  go up to the Temple with us and take some pictures of us on the grounds of that beautiful edifice which has come to be such a very important part of our lives.  As always, Alison is always ready to lend a helping hand.  She also has some skill with a camera and a good eye for memorable pictures and poses, We spent about an hour on the Temple grounds.  The flowers are still beautiful and the leaves on the trees are beginning to take on their autumn hues.  The sky was slightly overcast for which we were grateful.  We would thus be less prone to squinting and spoiling an otherwise good pose.  Unfortunately my white mop of hair and my receding hairline still picked up more light than we would have liked on some of the pictures.  I wish I could say it was caused by some special aura of goodness and purity, but I'm sure this phenomenon is strictly in accordance with the laws of nature.
I'm going to share just a few of the pictures Alison took.  We love our daughter and appreciate her willingness to take time out of her busy schedule to come and take pictures of us.  I know it was asking the near impossible for her to take good pictures of us, but I think she succeeded in spite of the difficulty of her challenge today.  Thanks, Alison!!!

At least half of each of these pictures is very pretty.  I do love my wife and count my blessings to have been able to share all these years with her and to be blessed with such a wonderful and loving family.  We were sealed in the Logan Temple many years ago and now we have returned and are being blessed once again to work there, feel of the special spirit and to be associated with the wonderful people who come and go each day.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Nearer My God to Thee

The Logan Utah Temple
September 27, 2013
As many of you know, I love the Temple, especially the Logan Temple.  We are very blessed to live near it and to be close enough to experience the blessings associated with that sacred edifice.  When we are inside, we feel a very special Spirit which speaks peace to the soul and promises blessings, the magnitude of which we, in this life, but vaguely understand.  It is a marvel to behold the people coming and going each day, clean and pure, and seeking to draw even nearer to the Lord.  In the past few years there seems to be an increased desire, especially on the part of the younger generation, young college aged couples, high school students and even middle school students after reaching the age of twelve.  They radiate such goodness and wholesomeness.  There is a distinct contrast between the young people who attend the temple and those who would rather follow the ways of the world.  It is a powerful reminder of the blessings the gospel life has for those who seek, with all their heart to draw near to the Lord in word and deed.  Even though  we live in a troubled world and it is difficult to escape the evil that seems to be ever present among so many of God's children, it is comforting to know that many of the youth of today have been reserved for just this time and are anxious  and preparing to fill the important assignments to which they were ordained in the pre-mortal realm before this world was.  The world will be  blessed and ultimately rescued through their efforts.  Ours is the opportunity to assist.  We are blessed, through the restored gospel, to help these young warriors in their sacred mission.  In addition, through revelation and priesthood power, we can assist not only the present generation, but also those who have already preceded us and now await our assistance.  In fact, they not only await our help, but stand ready to assist us in the important task which is ours and the work and glory of God, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
Temple's are essential.  They help us to draw nearer to the Lord and to receive the blessings promised  to those who go to the there, who make and who keep their covenants.  Participating in and understanding temple ordinances gives us a glimpse into heaven.  Every time I approach the Temple, my heart sings:  "Nearer My God To Thee."
This evening I noticed special cloud formations and heavenly light over the Logan Temple,  Accordingly, I took my camera and spent about an hour on the Temple grounds.  The fall flowers are magnificent.  The people coming and going showed the typical serenity of spirit.  The light filtered by the clouds bore witness of the Lord Jesus, the Light and the Life of the World.  I returned home counting my blessings, as I do each time I see the Logan Temple or any of them, for that matter.
The picture below captures at least in part the special feeling I have for the this sacred House of the Lord.
I hope some of you get the same feeling I do as you look at this photograph!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Alone, but Not Really Alone

Though I may not be the most outgoing person in the world, I really do love people.  I think the thing that helps me to love all kinds of people, is that I know who and what they really are.  During my career as a teacher, especially in the later years, this perspective helped me to stay focused on the truly important things, and I became more patient and to continue to reach out to them, and yes, even to really love them, in spite of their occasional rowdiness or disrespect for me and others.  I am certainly not perfect, and the older I get, the more I recognize the critical role played by others, parents, family, friends etc., in helping me along the journey of life.  I have become more grateful to all who have traveled this journey with me, even for a short distance.  All have influenced my life in one way or another, and I am equally convinced that people I never knew in this life have affected the way I live and what I am and seek still to become in profound ways.  Even though numerous people have been around me throughout my life, there are times when I simply long to be alone, alone in my thoughts and with my Maker.  There have been special places where I have gone to think without being interrupted and to commune with my Creator.  When I was very young, I remember going over by the "Big Tree",  which stood a short distance from our home on the banks of a small irrigation ditch.  There I would sit and think and wonder what life held in store for me.  Later, I found a special place near the summit of Midnight Mountain, where I could sit and look off toward our home in the valley to the east and with just a slight turn of the head I could see into the Cache Valley area near Preston.  Near the pass going from North Canyon over into Skinner Canyon near Sherman Peak I found a place where I often took my scriptures to prepare for my Sunday School or priesthood lessons to be given the following Sunday.  I could sit there for hours without hearing a sound except for a passing airliner flying high in the sky in the distance.  With only the calls of the birds and the breeze in the trees, I could truly ponder and reflect on the things of most importance.  Another place that became a favorite was Camp Bartlett, especially during the cool days of September, when the heat of summer was past and the air was fresh and invigorating.  During the Summer months Camp Bartlett has a special place in my heart as well, but for different reasons.  Then the area resounds for weeks on end with the sound of scouts and their leaders doing all the rowdy things scouts do at scout camp.  I cherish the time spent in these activities myself, but an even more special feeling fills my heart when I am there alone during the month of September or into early October.  Then, all is still.  The water of the lakes is often mirror-like, reflecting everything in view in perfect clarity.  The fishing is also at its best during these few weeks of autumn.  This is an added bonus.

Yesterday I had nothing on my schedule.  A perfect opportunity for a day alone in the mountains I love.  I chose to go to Camp Bartlett.  I even took my fly rod this time and a little box of assorted flies.  The day was perfect, not to hot and not to cold.  There was only a hint of a breeze, which felt good and put an occasional shimmer in the surface of the lake, momentarily replacing the near perfect mirror of water surrounded by aspen and pines.   I did my share of sitting and pondering and I also tried my skill or rather lack of skill as a fly fisherman.  This time the fish seemed to be hungry and I was able to land several nice trout.  Most of them were put carefully back into the water to bite once again at a later date at the fly of another fisherman.  I did bring a couple home and we enjoyed a good fish supper tonight as a result.

Normally, I don't go around taking pictures of myself, but with the good fortune I was having with the fly rod in hand, I wanted to somehow capture the moment, so I found a nearby aspen tree and tied my ever-present camera to a branch, set the self timer and hurried to get in the picture just as I pulled a fish from the water.  Below are the results.
Not the biggest one of the day and therefore released for someone to catch another day.  I'm still pretty fast for my age.  I am having more trouble at night though.  No longer can I turn off the light and be in be in bed before the room gets dark.  Those were the days.
The view from the near the gate at Camp Bartlett looking south and east toward Liberty and Lanark, my old stopping grounds with blue waters of  Bear Lake in the distance.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Time with Tanner

Last Friday Jason came up from Layton on the way over to Camp Bartlett where he was involved in a big scouting activity for adult leaders on Saturday.  He brought Tanner up with him and dropped him off to stay with us overnight and then to go up to Nampa, Idaho on Saturday to pick up a car I had bought online.  I was looking forward to spending some time with Tanner, before he goes into the Marine Corps next week.  I love the man.  He is awesome and we had a good time talking and riding together.  Picking up the car was definitely the secondary benefit of the trip, but we are happy about that too.

Tanner has a special attraction to people, especially kids.  My dad always used to say that you can't fool dogs or kids.  Every time we get together with family, the younger kids just seem to gravitate to Tanner.  He has a special way about him which make them and all of us just love him.  This love is especially felt by Ryan and Samantha's kids.  The boys just idolize him.  When they found out he was coming up last Friday, they invited him, and us, to come over for a sort of farewell party.  Sam cooked a delicious meal and Ryan put together a little movie about Tanner and their kids.  The food was great and the movie brought a tear or two to nearly every eye there.  We had a great time together and everyone felt the love we have for each other.  It was a wonderful and memorable experience.  Tanner will definitely been in all of our prayers.

Here are Tanner and some of his fan club,  Annika, Tristan, and Micah.  He has many other fans as well.
After picking up the new car we stopped by Nina and Steve's place in Meridian.  We don't get to see them quite so much as we'd like.  They are kind of off the beaten path living up there.  I hadn't seen Camille or her kids for along time.  In fact, I hadn't seen the two youngest at all.  We had been concerned about Talon, now four years old, who was born with some  serious issues.  Just one look at him and we could see that our prayers and theirs have been answered.  He is coming along very well and making excellent progress.  Camille is a great mother to her boys and I just love her to pieces..
Here I am with Camille and the new one in the family, Tenlyn sp.  It was so good to see Nina and Steve and also Camille and her cute kids.  They wanted to play football in the back yard, which I did, for a little while.  It did reemphasize the facts., they are young and I am not.  It was a short visit, but it was great to see them and visit with them for a while.  They remembered Tanner, from when they lived up in Boise several years ago.  Tanner enjoyed seeing them too,  I appreciated Tanner helping me with the car.  It worked out well for all of us.  We wish Tanner all the best.  The Marines must know a good man when they see one.  We'll stay in touch as much as we are allowed.  Love our "Tan Man".

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Family Reunion 2013

The events of the past few days have filled my heart with awe and wonder, but more especially a profound feeling of gratitude, gratitude for such a wonderful, large and active family and the way they live their lives..  We had a family reunion at Bear Lake.  We were fortunate enough to have access to the wonderful facilities of Camp Hunt.  Jason and Rene were the ones who spearheaded this great event and did most of the planning.  I'm sure, I speak for the entire family when we say: "THANK YOU, SO MUCH  FOR THIS WONDERFUL TIME WE WERE ABLE TO SPEND TOGETHER.  We are a large family.  We are all busy people and have much going on in our lives, work, school, church, sports and other activities.  We are all determined to do our best in all that we do.  Unfortunately, none of has discovered a way to be in more than one place at a time.  Thus, the extra effort made by all who attended was much appreciated and we all enjoyed the time we were able to spend together these past few days.  Kinsey was not able to make it, because she is serving a mission in Sweden.  Philip and Megan had other obligations for most of the time we were having the reunion, and we certainly understand the issue of the long drive from Las Vegas.  It would have been a very long ride for the short time they and their family  could have stayed with us, not to speak of $4.00 gas and the time it would have taken to drive up to Bear Lake.   Stephen, was being Mr. Dependable, as usual.  He sacrifices a lot.  We did enjoy having Candice and the kids for Saturday.  I think they all had a good time, though I'm sure they would have loved having Stephen there too.  He did call during the reunion time.  We know where his heart was and we missed him greatly.
It will probably be a long time before we can all get together again.  Kinsey is on her mission.  Tanner leaves for the Marine Corps in less than two weeks.  We worry about him, but we wish him well and know he will do well as he serves the cause of freedom here and around the world.  The Marines should feel lucky to find such a fine young man, ready and willing to serve the cause of freedom.  We pray always that he will be safe and learn a lot that will help him in the future.  He has a great attitude about it, and he knows for sure that we will miss him greatly and the entire family will.  "We  all love our Tan Man. "   His little sisters, Megan and Maddie, are going to miss him greatly as will as the rest of the. family.  GOOD LUCK!!! Tanner.  stay close the Lord and as
close as you can to your family.  Never fail to call upon the Lord in times of trouble and always,  You will do well and please know that you will always be in our thoughts and prayers.  It was so good  see you there at the reunion
It was good to have all of you there.  It is said, we should not  be proud, but it's very hard, when you have such a  good and wonderful family as ours.    I guess rather than admitting I'm proud, I'll just say I am very well pleased with you all.  I'm going to insert a few photo's from the many that I took at the reunion.
I think we did our share of multiplying and replenishing the earth, "Forty-two Things"  The Reunion had a Dr. Seuss theme, just in case you hadn't guessed.

Just a few of the clan.  Micah wrote the family name in the sand.  It's gone from there already, but I hope all of us have the name chiseled into our hearts and always remember who we are and what we stand for.
A little fun in the water is always in order at Bear Lake.

There is some serious fun!!!!  They made me laugh 'til I cried.
And here they are again.  A thrill a second.  JT said:  My mom and dad may have raised some fools, but they didn't raise any chickens.  They are indeed willing to try most anything.  Well anything good and exciting. 
Eborn kids playing in the sand at Bear Lake.

                       The Lodge at Camp Hunt provided excellent accommodations for the whole clan.

Now, there are two beautiful girls. Maddie and Megan!
Boating friends, Ethan and Micah.
And here is Jason doing a little more of everything.  The man amazes me.  He can do everything from scuba diving to making sloppy joes and does it all with a smile.  His greatest achievement is his wonderful family, who are such good people and obviously love being together.  Their example of love and service is something we all need to take not of and seek to emulate.
Shooting and catching "Bottle Rockets"
And getting the family together also means a little wiffle ball, a reminder of the "good old days."
Anybody for green eggs and ham?
Just look at that tan.  He's probably been to busy all summer to take his shirt off until after the sun goes down.
Halle and Micah enjoying the cool breeze.
Avery preparing for a wild ride.
Hayden coming in from the beach.
Candice making sure Sophie is protected, at least from the rays of the sun.
And Kinsey was there too, at least in a way and always in our hearts and prayers despite being so far away serving the Lord  as a missionary in Sweden.
Putting a reunion like this together is quite a task.  Even making time for it in our busy lives can be stressful.  I want to thank Jason and Rene and their family for making all this happen and enduring the stress of it an us all.  At least one member of the family seems to have it all in perspective.  Neveah arrived cool, calm and collected, and still ended up being the life of the party.
"Except we become as little children ............."  Maybe we could all take some lessons from Thing 42.