Friday, September 27, 2013

Nearer My God to Thee

The Logan Utah Temple
September 27, 2013
As many of you know, I love the Temple, especially the Logan Temple.  We are very blessed to live near it and to be close enough to experience the blessings associated with that sacred edifice.  When we are inside, we feel a very special Spirit which speaks peace to the soul and promises blessings, the magnitude of which we, in this life, but vaguely understand.  It is a marvel to behold the people coming and going each day, clean and pure, and seeking to draw even nearer to the Lord.  In the past few years there seems to be an increased desire, especially on the part of the younger generation, young college aged couples, high school students and even middle school students after reaching the age of twelve.  They radiate such goodness and wholesomeness.  There is a distinct contrast between the young people who attend the temple and those who would rather follow the ways of the world.  It is a powerful reminder of the blessings the gospel life has for those who seek, with all their heart to draw near to the Lord in word and deed.  Even though  we live in a troubled world and it is difficult to escape the evil that seems to be ever present among so many of God's children, it is comforting to know that many of the youth of today have been reserved for just this time and are anxious  and preparing to fill the important assignments to which they were ordained in the pre-mortal realm before this world was.  The world will be  blessed and ultimately rescued through their efforts.  Ours is the opportunity to assist.  We are blessed, through the restored gospel, to help these young warriors in their sacred mission.  In addition, through revelation and priesthood power, we can assist not only the present generation, but also those who have already preceded us and now await our assistance.  In fact, they not only await our help, but stand ready to assist us in the important task which is ours and the work and glory of God, "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
Temple's are essential.  They help us to draw nearer to the Lord and to receive the blessings promised  to those who go to the there, who make and who keep their covenants.  Participating in and understanding temple ordinances gives us a glimpse into heaven.  Every time I approach the Temple, my heart sings:  "Nearer My God To Thee."
This evening I noticed special cloud formations and heavenly light over the Logan Temple,  Accordingly, I took my camera and spent about an hour on the Temple grounds.  The fall flowers are magnificent.  The people coming and going showed the typical serenity of spirit.  The light filtered by the clouds bore witness of the Lord Jesus, the Light and the Life of the World.  I returned home counting my blessings, as I do each time I see the Logan Temple or any of them, for that matter.
The picture below captures at least in part the special feeling I have for the this sacred House of the Lord.
I hope some of you get the same feeling I do as you look at this photograph!

1 comment:

Alison Daugs said...

WOW!!!!!! That is the best pic that I have seen you take of the temple. LOVE IT!!!!! IT does make you one feel nearer to HIM. Love you and thank you for sharing all you believe and all you are.