Monday, June 30, 2014

Foothill Flowers

The Great Artist Has Been at Work Again

The Foot Hills Around Bear Lake Valley in Springtime Are Amazing

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A few highlights of the week

The highlight of today was about a three hour block of time I spent working with an elderly gentleman from Germany. He has never married, never owned a car or a home, in spite of having a BS degree from USU. ( I wonder how many more of those there are.) He was born and raised Catholic though he has never practiced that faith as an adult. Deep down He said He always believed in God an Jesus Christ, but just couldn't quite put all the pieces together. Recently he was taught by young Mormon Sister missionaries. He was open to their teachings and said he truly felt the Spirit whisper to him that he should be baptized. This happened about two weeks ago. The missionaries explained the importance of eternal families and the ordinances which are necessary for these to become a reality. I talked to him today in depth about the necessity of making and keeping covenants in order to develop true Christ like character. He wants to be a part of an eternal relationship with his parents and siblings. I was asked to see if I could help him in this regard. By the time our session was over he had an FOR with the names of all his deceased parents and siblings. This will be presented at the Temple and he will receive the necessary ordinance cards. He knows he can only do those for the males in the family and then only the preliminary ordinances of baptism and confirmation. This he wants to do soon and hopes to be able to do the rest of the work a year from the date of his baptism. Last week our focus was on our little but growing Chinese Group in our ward. This week it is helping an elderly German gentleman take his first baby steps in the true gospel of Jesus Christ. I guess I'd better lay off the "elderly gentleman" remarks. He is in actuality one year young than I am.

When people live the gospel of Jesus Christ and share it, it shows in their faces and maybe even in their thumbs. Thanks for letting your light shine, Alina, Lucila. and Ruth. Never let your light grow dim and you will change the world.

Alina, Lucila and Ruth.i,,immigrants to the United States and anxious to make s difference in the World!
If thy keep the miles on their faces they will be a force to be reckoned with wherever they choose to life live after their schooling   Alina on the left was baptized just s few weeks go. She is from Laos. The other two are sisters, immigrants, from Mexico by way of Texas.   We went to the temple to do baptisms for some of their deceased relatives,
They were so happy.  The know what  is right and they are doing it!  We were honored to be able to help out in some small way.  Happy, virtuous,and motivated to make the world a better place,  They are an inspiration to everyone who comes in contact with them.. There are no more strangers and foreigners in the Kingdom of God.  My greatest wish would be that all of God's children could feel ad the feel like these young women are.  The only sure way is by making and keeping covenants.
   Bart & I had such a wonderful experience today with these beautiful young women. Finding names for the sister missionaries families and sharing them with a new convert so she could go to the Temple and feel the spirit there. They all were able to do baptisms for those who have been waiting for someone to help them progress in the gospel. Beautiful smiles

Accepting the gospel and living by its covenants are the key.  The promise is sure,  Thank you so much sisters and especially for allowing us to be small part of the great work you are doing. We to blessed  to be small part of your wonderful world.   God be with you always.

Left to Right:  Sister Shreeve, Eilna, zlucila. and Ruth near the reflecting pool at the beautiful Logan Temple.

Our Love and Respect for all of you !!!

Flegling English Class for Chinese National etc.

We are teaching a small group of Chinese nationals who want to learn to speak English better. They represent a wide age group and it is a challenge to keep them all on the same page, but we are enjoying it and I think they are learning. They are learning to understand and speak better English, but most of all we are all learning that we are children of God and that we have much in common. We consider it a great blessing in our lives and an opportunity to make some more good friends, Here is our little class enjoying an after class treat. These are wonderful people and we are supported every time by our good and faithful ward mission leaders.
Just s beginning but we are making progress,  Wonderful People!!!