Sunday, February 24, 2013

Grand Kid Moments

We are blessed with many grandchildren.  Some of them live close by, some not so close.  Most of them are busy with school and other activities, some a little less so.  We always love it when we can be around them and see what they do. For the most part they even seem to enjoy have Grandma and Grandpa pay a little special attention to them.  This week I took Tristan up to First Dam to feed the ducks and geese.  It seems like this is a fairly common activity around here during the winter months.  The kids enjoy it and so do the ducks and geese.
Tristan posing (sort of) for a picture during our little outing to First Dam.
We have always tried to support our children and grandchildren in their sporting endeavors.  We are not quite as diligent in this regard with our grand kids as we were when our own children were participating.  I guess that's where their own parents come in, but we are glad that they get involved in sports and physical activities.  The modern world seems to promote playing video games and watching TV etc. where most would be better off outside kicking a ball around or riding bikes, or going for a hike  or a multitude of other wholesome activities.  I know active kids are happier and healthier than those who lead a sedentary life style when they are young.  The time comes soon enough when we can't be as active as we should.  Ethan has been playing Jr. Jazz basketball this winter.  We took the opportunity to watch his game yesterday.  While we were there Justin asked this question:  "Were we that bad when we were that age.?"  My reply was, "No."  That's as far as I want to go on that question at this stage of my life.
Ethan in action at the Logan Rec. Center on Saturday.
Here is Ethan with his coach and team mates.  It's good to be a part of a team and to learn to play together.


Rene Weston-Eborn said...

They are all getting so big!

meegz said...

Grand kids LOVE grandma and grandpa time. Thanks for making the time for the many that you have. Looks like fun to me!

meegz said...

Grand kids LOVE grandma and grandpa time. Thanks for making the time for the many that you have. Looks like fun to me!