Friday, December 28, 2012

A Wonderful Christmas 2012

In spite of predictions attributed to some people's interpretation of the Mayan Calendar the world did not come to an end on 21 December 2012.  In fact we had a wonderful Christmas.  Our celebrating always starts  right after Thanksgiving.  We generally put up our Christmas Tree as soon after Thanksgiving as possible.  For most of my life we have had a real Christmas tree, which we went into the mountains to get.  Our place here in Logan is a little smaller and so we decided last year to buy a false tree.  We used it again this year and probably will from here on.  I do miss the aroma of fresh pine in the living room though.  Ryan continues to follow the old family tradition, but at least as far as I know he's the last.  Their tree was beautiful too.  I actually think he's getting a little better at picking trees out of the forest.  It is hard to find that perfect tree, especially if they are covered with snow.  It makes a good outing in the woods and makes memories, never to be forgotten.
We enjoyed all the traditional festivities,  decorations, visits from friends and family, Christmas cards, shopping for gifts, the beautiful Christmas music, sharing memories of Christmas past, and especially remembering the real reason for the season, the birth of our Savior and all that that means to each of us.  We visited our kids here in Cache Valley before and also after Christmas.  We plan on a little trip to see the others during the first couple of weeks in January, while the temple is closed.  We'll be back in time for our duties on January 15th.  We enjoyed very nice Christmas party with our temple workers group, but we missed the ward party because we were on duty at the temple that night.   Oh, well, I have still not figured out how to be in two or more places at once. 
Sometimes we just have to choose.  We especially enjoyed helping the patrons who came to the Temple trying their best to pay their respects and to honor the Savior by coming to His house at this special time of the year.
One of the highlights of this Christmas season was Christmas Eve with Ryan and Samantha and their sweet kids.  Ryan did most of the cooking and I must say it was very good.  He must have learned that from someone.  Probably not me.  We experienced the feeling of the excitement of Christmas Eve with the little ones.  Each of our grandchildren bring a special joy into our lives.  We are glad that they all have loving families and that all have sufficient for their needs.  I think all of them had a wonderful Christmas.  We love them so.

Thanks to Ryan, Samantha and family we had a wonderful Christmas Eve.

 A glowing fire.
 A fresh cut Christmas tree with happy children. 
Grandma Iris and our sweet little Neveah, the latest addition to our clan. She is a little angel.

We made a few visits to friends and neighbors who are ailing.  Our good friend and neighbor Tex is suffering with bone cancer.  He and his wife, Karen, found out about it while the were serving as missionaries in Nauvoo.  They had to come home for treatment.  His immune system is way low so they can't risk getting bugs from visitors, so we mostly just stay in touch via e-mail or the phone.
Our neighbor across the street fell a week ago breaking her pelvis in four places and also four ribs.  She is 82, tin and brittle.  In addition she has very limited eyesight.  She and her husband are spending the remainder of their holidays in the hospital and rehab center.  Not exactly what anyone would want, but we take one day at a time and try to make the best of it.  That's exactly what they are doing.
Also, tonight we made a call to wish JT, our oldest grandson a happy birthday.  It's hard to believe he is a returned missionary, married man, and hard working husband and student.  He is such a joy to us all.  We are particularly grateful that he is home from Russia.  Things are not going very well over there right now for Mormons.  Some people just don't really understand what is good for them.

1 comment:

Sam and Ryan said...

We are thankful you were able to be at our place for Christmas Eve! Thanks for being such great parents and examples to us all. Our children love you very much. Please be careful on your trip!
Ryan and Family