Monday, December 28, 2015

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Sometimes, I stop and count my blessings, perhaps not as often as I should. Of late, I have been especially grateful for and thankful to that person who has brought the most true and pure joy into my life, my sweetheart, Iris. I have never told her how much I love her, because words can not fully express the depths of my love, and my actions certainly don't measure up to the love and respect she deserves. I think we both understand that we are mere mortals and have an eternity to perfect our love for one another, our family, and others. One of the greatest comforts to me, is that we have both made eternal covenants to one another and our God, that we will seek always to move forward, through thick and thin, through good times and sad times, through the greatest joy and times of heartbreak and sorrow, seeking to follow the example and words of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and not allow the small things to become stumbling blocks along our path to together forever.
I am so grateful for the miracle that brought us together and for the opportunity to face the challenges of life side by side. We both know it wont always be easy, but we know that it will be worth it in the eternal scheme of things. I love my eternal companion. We are both older now, but when I stop and think about her, I still see this beautiful girl sitting on the right side of the chapel in Twin Falls, Idaho those many years ago, and my heart sings Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

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