Monday, November 23, 2015

Chinese Sunday Services 11/22/2015

Sunday was a wonderful day for us. It was the Primary Program at Sacrament Meeting in the Logan 5th Ward. The Primaries form the English speaking ward (Logan 5th) and the Spanish speaking ward, and our Chinese speaking branch were combined. The kids speak better English than their parents in many cases. It makes for a very interesting meeting,with a mixture of English, Spanish, and Chinese during the meeting. It is astonishing to me, to see how well they all work together and I am impressed with all of the Primary workers and how organized and really polished they are. We had an overflow crowd, as usual on this occasion. I'll give a rough estimate of between 500 and 600 for the Sacrament meeting, families from the three different units as well as friends, and family visitors, along with a goodly number of nonmembers who came as investigators or out of curiosity for what was happening this past Sunday. It fills my heart with joy to see different people, nationalities, and cultures all bearing witness of the Savior, Jesus Christ, in word and in song. Certainly members of the Church are " no more stranger and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints in the household of God."
On Sunday evening the Chinese Branch sponsored a Chinese Musical Fireside. It was well attended, probably 150 people or more. Many of these were not members of the Branch, but had been invited by members to come. Not bad at all for a Branch that was created officially only about six months ago. There was an outstanding assortment of musical talent, including a choir, violin, piano, children's chorus etc. Everyone did a marvelous job and all who attended were well rewarded for their efforts in coming. We had a special speaker, President Scott Waterson, who is a former mission president in Taiwan. We even had a visiting guest from the People's Republic of China. I certainly felt the Spirit there very strongly and I hope that all who came were able to feel that same Spirit. I, of course, didn't take pictures of the Sacrament Meeting, but I did snap a few of the Fireside and some of those who attended enjoying some light refreshments following
the Fireside.. These were all candid shots, mostly taken from a distance, but I think they will help you to experience some of the wonderful moments Iris and I shared with our friends and fellow Saints this past Sunday.

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