Sunday, April 14, 2013

Strange Lights at the Logan Temple

After we got home from Alison's  this evening, President Taylor, the Logan Utah Temple president, called me and told me that the lights on the Temple were unique tonight.  The main flood lights for some reason were not shining.  The tower lights were working on both ends of the Temple though, as were the interior lights in the stair wells.  I took my trusty Olympus and headed for the Temple.  The lights being what they were, it certainly had a different appearance, still very beautiful, but also unique.  It's hard for me to get really good pictures in the dark though.  Below are a couple of the ones that turned out reasonably well

How Beautiful Thy Temple Lord,
Each One a Sacred Shrine!
Each one a sacred shrine.


Alison Daugs said...

Now that's different. I like it the other way! Glad it didn't last.

Unknown said...

I agree, but it is unique for sure.