Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Difference Two Weeks Make

Less than two weeks ago we were in sunny southern California listening to the locals tell us how cold it was.  It never got below freezing and the high temperature ranged from about 55  to sixty degrees.
We enjoyed strolling along the beach and the Pier at Oceanside.  It was beautiful and relaxing to be where it was a little warmer than where we normally spend our Januarys.  Since we have been home we have experienced a week of very cold weather here in Cache Valley.  There has been an inversion which has caused the air quality to be poorer than we would like.  This morning when we woke up to get ready for Church it looked like it could snow.  In fact, a few fluffy flakes were already beginning to fall.  Three hours later it was beginning to fall a little more heavily.  We had been asked to come out to the River Heights First Ward where Ryan and Samantha live with their sweet little brood.  Ryan and Sam had been asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting and we wanted to hear their talks and thought maybe we could help out with the little ones while they were up on the stand.  We were happy to be there.  They did a great job with their talks and both had wonderful messages.  The kids were little angels.  What else could they be?  They are our grand kids.  After sacrament meeting we went out to about six inches of freshly fallen snow and it was still coming down heavily,  good wet snow.  Here in Utah and Idaho prayers are often offered in the hope that snow will fall.  Some how we all like to see green grass in the spring, fruit in the fall, and have plenty of water to to drink and bath in.  Large snowfalls, unfortunately, have a downside.  They bring lots of work.  They make for very treacherous traveling conditions, and they are often fallowed by severe cold spells.  Nonetheless, we are grateful for the fallen snows, and they are beautiful. beyond words.  I wonder  just how many of those who live down stream a thousand miles stop to give thanks for the snows that fall in the northern and central Rockies.  If they don't they should, because their very life and their  way of life depends on the depth of snow in the high mountains.

This is what our place looked like after shoveling some of the snow away after we returned home from Church.  The snow continues to fall.  How blessed we are!!!!
This photo was taken from the recreation area outside our condo in Oceanside, California about two weeks ago.  What a difference two weeks and about 800 miles make!!!

I was out shoveling snow off the neighbors driveway after dark tonight.  Everything was so still and absolutly beautiful.  When I finished with the shovel, I traded it for my camera and took a little stroll in the falling snow up past the Temple.  I took several pictures.  Imagine that.  Below is  just a represtative few of the wonders I beheld.  We love being so close to the Temple for many reasons.
Logan Temple in the Falling Snow
Winter Lights 
 Logan Temple as the Storm Passes 


meegz said...

Beautiful pics!

Alison Daugs said...

I know what you mean... I am looking forward to a little over two weeks from now and some sunshine. Love that pictures. Beautiful.