Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Week in Photos

The week in photos: They say a picture is worth a thousand words. By that standard I'm sure many people think I say too much, but then, the way I look at it, nobody is forced to read what I write or look at the pictures I post. This is mainly a way to keep a record of our comings and goings in our days. I am very grateful to be able to be up and about and active in so many ways. We are indeed blessed. In money we are not wealthy, but have sufficient for our needs. In time we 
are very wealthy. We have the same twenty-four hours in hour days as all of the rest of you, but at this point we have very little pressing us to do one thing or another. Nearly all of our time now is used in doing things we choose to do. We have found that keeping in touch with, and helping others, especially friends and family, keeps us busy and happy. In health we have our challenges, the ones that come with age mostly. Our bones ache from time to time and we do not move around as fast or as painlessly as we'd like sometimes. We have our issues with sinus and arthritis and fatigue, but for the most part we are very blessed and grateful to be able to do what we want to, when we want to. Our home is paid for. Sometimes we wish it were a little larger, especially when we have guests, but it is adequate for us, very comfortable, and convenient to nearly all of the things we need and love. We are debt free. We especially love being near the Logan Temple, just a four minute walk from our front door. We are blessed to have a wonderful family, most of whom live relatively close by, and means to connect with the others any time we choose. We love our neighbors and others and feel loved in return. When we have challenges, we are free to face them with joy and determination and make the most of them. Sometimes we feel like we are in the Refiner's fire, but that is fine with us. All of us need to have our character molded and improved as we seek to endure with dignity to the end. At his point in our lives we recognize just how precious time is and how little we have left before we meet our Maker. We pray we will be ready and that we can use the remainder of our lives being of use to someone in some way. Below are just a few pictures taken of our activities this past week. Life is Good!!! I am grateful!!!

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