Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Time in the Rockies 2014

Spring Time in the Rockies 2014

     Here we have been having a  typical springtime in the Rockies, one minute the sun is shining brightly and on Tuesday we had a high of 73 degrees Fahrenheit.  It felt so good I actually talked myself into going down to  Logan High School and watching part of a baseball game Ryan  was coaching.  We used to follow our kids to all their games and activities and since they have grown up we tried t make it to some of the grandkids activities.  I will admit our energy level is ebbing some and we seem to find it easy to find excuses, especially if it requires driving long distances or sitting in cold weather to watch.  I'd like to make it down to watch Emily in her water-polo.  I hear she is doing well.  I'd have to spend some time learning about that sport though.  Right now all I know is how to spell it.  At least I hope I do.  
     Back to springtime in the Rockies.  As I mentioned, some times the sun shines.  Twenty minutes later its raining and twenty minutes later its snowing.  We've had a lot of moisture interspersed with occasional sunshine.  On Thursday we were out contacting some of our sisters on that have been referred to us.  That turned out to be a day with more snow showers than sunshine.  Result, we both got wet and cold.  Grandma ended up with a serious cold and some rather miserable sinus issues which we have been nursing for the past few days.  We were able to help a few people here at home with their family history.  Grandma just stayed clear of them and I did what I could to get them going on their family history.  She's feeling better now.  She was glad to stay home and watch the General Women's Meeting last night on TV.  Don't blame her at all.  Added benefit was that watched it with her.  It was awesome.  There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord reserved his most noble daughters for this day. I am not totally convinced about some of the men.  I do know that there is at least one more good one out their waiting some where for you.  For now he'll just have to wait.  Patience is one of the most noble virtues.  That considered there may even be some hope for the male gender.

The Lord is fulfilling His promise that His gospel shall be as the stone cut out of the mountain without hands and shall roll forth to fill the earth.

On Friday afternoon we had the opportunity to attend the baptismal service for another Chinese investigator. That makes three in the last month. This time it was a young woman who had come to America not knowing anything about the LDS Church. When she decided to come to Logan for school she soon began hearing all kinds of rumors about Mormons and how strange they were and how they all believed in some sort of fantasy about golden plates and angels. etc. She said she was a rather apprehensive about moving to an area where the vast majority of the people had such strange beliefs. However, when she got here she found out that Mormons are actually "nice". She found out about a small group of Chinese nationals who were members of the Church and had meetings of their own. This small Chinese group is actually attached to our ward here in Logan and meets under the direction of our bishop. There has been some success with this small group and we have had several baptisms. Anyway, to make a long story short this young girl met with missionaries and some fellowshipping members and was very impressed. She learned of the Book of Mormon and the story of Joseph Smith and the First Vision. She felt the Spirit. After watching a video about the Prophet Joseph and the early history of the Church, she said she felt the Spirit very strongly and came to know that Joseph Smith would never have gone through all the trials and troubles that he did for the sake of a lie. She knew he knew. The Spirit told her so, and that same Spirit told her that the gospel had been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith and that this Church is indeed the Church of Jesus Christ. She chose to follow the Savior and be baptized by immersion of one having authority just as He did. Brother Chen who is the Chinese group leader, and who travels often to China told of a Chinese brother in China who was recently baptized. He couldn't do that anywhere in China except in Hong Kong, which has special rights by international treaty. This man had to save his entire earnings for three months so that he could make a quick trip to Hong Kong and be baptized without fear. The stone is rolling forth. The services were conducted in Chinese with a translator for those who had to speak or understand in English. It was rather interesting.
Yesterday we attended the baptism of a young boy (nine years old) whom the missionaries have been working with.  The parents are members and a re just beginning to return from a period of inactivity .  They are good people who  let some marital/financial issues get in their way for a while.  The Lord rejoices  over the lost who are found, member or nonmember.

On Saturday we will be having the baptism of another young Chinese girl.  It will be right after the afternoon session of General Conference.  So the work moves on in spite of us and the distractions of spring time.

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