Sunday, March 9, 2014

Another Typical Missionary Week for Us

 福音圖書館 ▻ 經文​. 搜尋:. 搜尋. 經文:​網際網路版本. 摩爾門經​ 耶穌基督​的​另​一​部​約書​. 教義和聖約​ · 無價珍珠​ · 經文​指南​. 耶穌基督

That;s what it looks like,  I can not even begin to tell you how it sounds,  Astonishingly, the Spirit speaks the same in both languages.

The Hong Kong China Temple.  Hong Kong was formerly a British Colony but was returned to the Republic of China in 1987.  Outside Hong Kong the LDS Church has a very, very limited footprint.  At least for now.  The stone rolls forth.

Today was the Sabbath. Every Sunday begins much the same .  The alarm goes off at 5:30 We crawl out of bed and proceed to get ready for our  first meeting of the day. Our stake missionary correlation meeting begins at 6:30.  It takes us a little longer to get ready than it used to.  Grandma Iris especially wants to look her best, so that takes some time.  You all know how women are. Most of the people who were supposed to be at the mission correlation meeting had forgotten to set their clocks ahead for daylight savings time. That doesn't happen at our house, Iris always takes care of that on Saturday afternoon. We had been invited to speak in the Logan 10th Ward sacrament meeting.  Our subject was our assignment  as full time missionaries in the Logan Central Stake.  We have been asked to do this in all of the wards in the stake.  I don't mind it, but Iris gets a little bit nervous about it.  Actually, she does very well and I am always proud of her.  She has a good way with people and always makes friends easily.  The single sisters we work with seem to take a liking to her as well.  I am blessed.  Transfers come and go in missionary work, but that is one thing I don't have to worry about.  She is my eternal companion and my main worry is being good enough to warrant that blessing.  She has put up with this long, so maybe there is hope.

Following our meetings in the Logan 10th Ward we went sacrament meeting in the Chinese group which is attached to the Logan 5th Ward, our home ward.  It turned out to be a very special experience for us.  We wore the ear phones, while someone translated the Mandarin Chinese for us and a few other English speakers.  It was an inspiring meeting as we observed the small group of Chinese members filling roles a leaders and always with a smile as they tried to help us understand how they felt and what they were saying.
The most exciting part of the meeting was the sacrament, which is always special, as it should be.  Today, Brother Manfai Lee, who was baptized about three weeks ago along with Jack, another Chinese national, passed the Lord'a sacrament to the members in attendance.  He is a wonderful man.  He is humble and feels it an honor to serve in any priesthood assignment.  He has a PhD in Chemistry and works at Utah State University. He has already been to the temple and done baptisms for the dead.  After the meeting we visited with him for a while and he expressed his love of the Spirit that he feels in the Church.  He has much to learn, of course, but he will be a tremendous asset to his people in he future.  I will not be surprised to see this man as a General Authority one day in the future.  The Lord moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.

Jack, the other young Chinese man, who was baptized at the same time as Manfai, is already back in China.  He has communicated by email a couple of times.  We pray for him as he is so alone in the vast country of China with its 1.3 billion people.  He was ordained an elder just before he left and given a special blessing.
Please keep this valiant young man in your prayers as well as the people of his great land.

Manfai and I have something in common.  He likes to take pictures and wants to have a copy of the DVD I have put together of pictures of the Logan Utah Temple.  I will give it to him the next time I see him.  I think he will love it just as much as I enjoyed creating it.  We love the Logan Temple.

We have also been working with several single sister/single mothers.  Some of them have very serious problems.  Their faith has been shattered or has not grown as it should have,  We feel the pain and find it difficult to keep from anger at those who have been abusive, neglectful, and uncommitted to the right,  We know we must love everyone as our Savior does.  It is never our position to judge others, but sometimes this presents a challenge for us and for those who are affected by unkind acts perpetrated upon the beautiful daughters of God.  We appreciate the example of our Savior as he spoke from the cross:  "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

In addition we are working now at latest count with 43 people whom we have been able to assist in their family history work.  Some have really been catching the Spirit and are able to submit many names for temple ordinances.  The veil is thin and we feel very privileged to be a part of the Lord's work in whatever way we can.  Sometimes I wish we had more energy, but we shall count our blessings a press forward with faith.  We are indeed blessed.

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