Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Upside of Missionary Work

This week has been a wonderful week for missionary work in our stake.  It has had its share of ups and down as every week in the mission field seems to do, but sometimes the ups are a little higher and the downs aren't quite so low.  For the past couple of months the missionaries have been teaching a couple of Chinese men.  One of them works at Utah State University and has a PhD in  chemistry and the other has been a student and will so be returning to his homeland in mainland China.  These young men have willingly accepted the missionaries and have been fellowshipped by the  members in our ward. They were both baptized and became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints this this weekend.We actually have a small dependent Chinese group attached to our ward.  Iris and I have had the opportunity to work with several of these good people.  We had the opportunity to teach the Temple Preparation Course to several of them and had the opportunity to be with them as they were sealed to their families in the Temple or received there own Endowments.  It is always such a joy to see this happen regardless of the nationality.  We are all God's children and His choicest blessings are intended for all who will receive them.  We have been privileged to be a small part of this process and consider it an honor to see them accept the gospel and the joy it brings into their lives. Now the growth and opportunities will continue as they progress toward their eternal goals.
We are so happy to know that God is our Father in Heaven, that His Son, Jesus Christ is our Savior and that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored once again in our day.  We love the gospel.  We love the scriptures, including he modern scriptures which have been preserved to bear witness of eternal truth in our day. We love the blessing of the Priesthood and the Temple Ordinances and Covenants, all of which promise joy in this world and joy in the world to come with our families for all eternity.  If we are not the happiest people on the earth, we just don't understand.  We certainly should be filled with joy and gratitude.

Below are some pictures of just a few of the beloved friends we have been honored to work with here in the Utah Ogden Mission.

Our Stake President, the newest Chinese converts in our ward, along with two of the brethren who helped to fellowship them and will continue so to do.
This is my sweetheart, Iris, with a young Chinese mother whom we helped to prepare for the sacred ordinances of the Temple along with her faithful husband and beautiful young daughter.  These two have developed an deep and tender relationships that will always be cherished.
Here is Iris with little Bella, and her cousin Bailey.  I do not remember a more beautiful sight in my life than seeing little Bella sealed to her loving parents for eternity in the Logan Temple a few months a go.  Such absolutely beautiful people, inside and out.
Here is the group with the missionaries who were involved with these good en at the time of their baptisms.  The Spirit, of course did the real teaching, but several of us had the opportunity to be a part and to bear our witnesses that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true and the power unto salvation.  We love it and we love all who have allowed us to share these special experiences.  I hope we can do our part and serve our Father in Heaven in whatever way He asks us to serve.

We had a wonderful Chinese/American potluck dinner following the baptism to help celebrate the occasion.  It was a wonderful weekend.

Today these good men received the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  What a wonderful blessing and source of strength this will be. throughout their lives.

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