Saturday, January 4, 2014

We Are All Enlisted

Elder and Sister Eborn of the Utah Ogden Mission

We'll get our name tags day after tomorrow, but for now this picture will have to do.

Tonight Our Stake President, President Horsely came to our home to set us apart for a mission.  We have been called to serve in the Utah Ogden Mission as member and leadership support missionaries.  This is a pilot program that the Church is trying here in Utah first.  A senior couple will be called from each stake and will work under the direction of the mission President and their Stake President.    These will be stay-at-home missionaries, who will work primarily in their home stake.  We feel honored to be called to serve this mission and count it among the Lord's tender mercies to us to be allowed to stay in our own home near to some of our family and the temple we have grown to love so very much.  We pray that we will be able to serve effectively and that we will be able to help others come closer to the Lord and receive the blessings of activity in the Church and guide them toward making the sacred covenants associated with the temple.  We know as we do this, joy will come into the lives of others, both the living and those who have gone ahead. 

 We enter the MTC on Monday, January 6th, and are looking forward to this experience.  Reports are that it is a wonderful experience and that we will meet many great people who are also anxious to serve the Lord as full-time missionaries and help to build and strengthen the Kingdom.

I will have an advantage this time that I didn't have when I served a mission in Germany in my younger years.
I already am quite well acquainted  with my companion.  I couldn't ask for a better one and look forward to serving with her in this way as missionaries and also, I've already learned to understand Southern.  Liked it then and still do.


meegz said...

We are very proud of you and are grateful for your example. We wish the very best to you and that this experience will bless the lives of others and strengthen your own relationship as well.

Love Philip and family

meegz said...

Wahoo!! Enjoy every minute- another opportunity comin your way. Keep us updated.

Alison Daugs said...

Two of the the best!!! Well, maybe THE best!!! I love the analogy that Pres. Horsley used of bring ing those to the living waters that have the desire, but just need that extra help. They can't do it alone. This is where you will fill many roles as you bring those closer to HIM and intern save them. You will be wonderful. And keep in mind what was also in your blessing, that you will not lose any of your children as you are serving. I felt that this was talking about more than just your six sons and daughter, but all those that are needing you. You will be like their guardians, nurturing them and protecting them. They need you and will be blessed by you. We love you and thank you for your wonderful examples. You will be blessed as we all will be.

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

You are a great example to us all. You will make great missionaries.