Monday, December 30, 2013

California Memories December 2013

After spending time with Jason and Rene and their family in Oceanside/ San Diego, and  the MCTD we traveled back to Henderson where we stayed a few days with Philip and MEgan and their family.  They live further away from us than any of the others and as a result we do not get to spend as much time with them as we'd like.  As we were already down that way Philip asked us to spend Christmas with him and MEgan and their sweet family.  It is a wonder what happens when we don't see some of the family for a while, especially if they are children growing into adolescents.  This was especially obvious with Garrett.  He is growing so fast and is now taller than his dad, soon to be taller than his grandpa and most likely going on to be the tallest Eborn ever.  We'll see, but if he keeps growing at the present rate he'll likely be six feet six or more before he's done growing.  Mason might just give him a run for his money though, if his size fourteen shoes are any indication.  Gavin and Libbie are also growing rapidly.  They were glad to see us and we were glad to be able to spend a few days with them, including Christmas Eve and Christmas day before heading home on December 26th to prepare for our mission which will begin officially, January 6, 2014, when we go into the MTC in Provo for training as senior missionaries.  We are looking forward to this next chapter in our lives and hope we will be up to the task.

Below are a few pictures of our Las Vegas Christmas, one of very  few Christmases for me that were not white.  It actually felt pretty good to be in a warmer clime for a change.  We felt especially blessed when we checked the Cache Valley weather reports during our trip.  Here in Cache Valley it was always about 2 degrees and foggy.  Brrrrrrr!!!

Philip and MEgan and their wonderful family.  They are always so kind to us when we  come to visit.  Note how tall Garrett has grown.  It will be interesting to see how tall he will be in another couple of years.  He is in eight grade right now.  Libbie and Gavin are such fun kids and we love them all very much.
Philip and MEgan an the beach at Oceanside.  They both love the ocean and it is truly a beautiful place.  I am always impressed by the beauty, the vastness, and the power of the ocean and marvel at the thought of those early seafarers who settled in Hawaii and other isolated places so for from any other civilization and of those, like Magellan and Columbus who set out on uncharted seas to make great discoveries which changed the history of the world.
Some of the Eborn clan on a pier at Oceanside, California.  December 2013.

A family hug.!
A winter night in Oceanside, CA.  Hard to beat a little time in the Hot Tub on a cool evening.
Philip's girls enjoying a stroll on the beach at Oceanside!!
Well, at least there is one good-looking chick in the picture!!
Our eighth graders, Maddie and Garrett!  It will be interesting to see where the world takes them.
Grandma Iris and Garrett!!
Evening fun and games at the Condo.
Put a bunch of us together and you can expect a good time, and there's a five dollar fine for whining.
Grandma Iris ready to depart sunny Oceanside.  We had a great time in California.


Alison Daugs said...

Looks like so much fun!!

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Bart/Iris, it was such a wonderful trip. Thank you for making the trip - we know that those long drives are hard on the body. It meant so much to us that you were able to be with us.

We sure do have a good time. I had totally forgot about the eating cereal photo. Love you captured it.

Silly us,
Love you!

meegz said...

Such a fun memory for us all. Thanks so much for your sacrifice to come. Your grandchildren and children won't forget it....ever! Love you.