Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Spring Break Hike

For many of the school districts around Utah this week has been Spring Break.  This means a week out of school.  Some families take their kids and go on vacation to some warm or exotic place other stay home because one or both of the parents have to work.  Some go to visit friends or relatives.  School children love a few days away from the classroom and especially if the weather is nice and spring has truly arrived.  The warm rays of the sun seem to do a body good, not to mention what they can do for the mind.  We have been fortunate enough to have some of our grandkids here for a few days.  Mason in particular wanted to spend some time with his grandpa.  I was glad for that.  This morning we decided to take a hike up to the wind cave.  Micah found out about it and wanted to go too.  I was glad to be the guide and the leader of this little expedition, even though I ended up leading from behind.  Mason is growing up so fast,  Micah is still young and a bit small for such a hike, or at least so I thought.  He made the hike without any problem as did Mason.  I actually did too, though I must admit I needed to stop along the trail and rest a few times.  Nevertheless, I made it and it felt really good to be out in nature and enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine. It reminded me of so many good hikes in days gone past and I never fail to be amazed at the beauties of the earth and the love and greatness of our Maker.  I took a few pictures along the way, as usual.  Some of them can be seen below.

Micah and Mason on the trail to the Wind Cave in Logan Canyon.

Mason on top of the world r so it seems.  He is growing so fast and is such a good young man.

Here is Micah near the Wind Cave.  He is holding my walking staff.  He and Mason called it and old man's hiking stick.  They were not really that far off in their assessment.  This staff has a special meaning to me.  Several years ago I planned a solo hike in the Wind River Mountains into the Titcomb Basin, one of the most beautiful spots on this earth.  I mentioned my plans to our home teachers during one of their visits.  One of them, Jerry Ramsey, said he'd like to go.  I said he would be welcome and kind of left it at that.  I guess I didn't think he was serious because he had been suffering from severe back pain for several years.  The night be for I was to leave Jerry pulled up in my driveway in his truck.  He asked me come out and inspect and see if he had everything he needed for the hike.  I was impressed by his efforts and desire and couldn't have told him "NO" even if I'd been a mind to.  We went and enjoyed the better part of a week in the wilderness of Wyoming.  It was hard for him, but he never complained.  I felt sorry for him sometimes and helped where I could.
When we arrived home on Saturday that week we were both exhausted but grateful for the time we had shared together.  A few days later he brought this wooden shepherds staff over to me as a thank you gift for the time we had shared.  I was grateful for it, but never had  used it until today.  I'd set it out a  couple of weeks ago after learning of Jerry's tragic death in an automobile accident.  I lost a good friend and he lost the severe pain he'd been dealing with for almost twenty years.  My hike to day, staff in hand, was filled with memories and emotion as I not only enjoyed time with my grandsons, but with a dear deceased friend of years gone by.

Here are Mason and Micah at the Wind  Cave in Logan Canyon.

Another hiker volunteered to take a picture of all three of us.  We do live in a beautiful place and it is so good to have some of the grandkids come for a visit once in a while.  We love them each and every one.


Alison Daugs said...

It's my turn next time! Glad you are still going strong.

Unknown said...

I was thinking about you and your gang while we hiking. We did this hike together last summer and I want to get you up on the Crimson Trail on the opposite side of the canyon along the so called China Wall. There is still some snow over there though. When school is out we'll do it. It's a good hike with a little different look.

Hope I'm still up to it.

Love you all forever,

Grandpa Bart

meegz said...

Good memories for you all!!

Rene Weston-Eborn said...

Enjoy the times when you live close and can support one another with great fun activities. I think it is great you have the time and are in the location that you can make good memories with some of your grandchildren.

Looks like you had a wonderful Spring Break!