Monday, November 23, 2015

Cherishing Freedom

These immortal words of Abraham Lincoln came to my mind during the night as I wrestled with the horror of the news of the terrorist attacks in Paris and so many other places around the globe in recent years. "..........with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ........." I know that this comes from Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address given just after the US Civil War, but it should apply as well to the greatest of all conflicts, the Battle of Good over Evil. We are all enlisted 'til the conflict is o'r. We all choose every day what side of this battle we will take. We have three choices, fight for the Good, fight for the Evil, or stand on the sidelines and be spectators. The latter choice is, in reality, a choice sympathetic with the Evil cause. May we always see to CTR (Choose the Right) and be active in the cause of all that is Good.
The eagle represents freedom. The eagle sees the big picture clearly. The eagle focuses on the things that matter most at the moment. The eagle bravely defends its own, and fearlessly seeks to acquire those thing that are needed to assure continued freedom for itself and its offspring. Simple, but profound lessons from every eagle you see.

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