Thursday, June 20, 2013

The gardener and The Gardener

People who know me, know that I love flowers and I love to work in my flowerbeds and try to make things look beautiful in our yard.  Sometimes I actually feel like I'm learning and making some progress in this undertaking  Last week when we drove through Emigration Canyon on our way to and from the Bear Lake Valley I was reminded of just who the Gardner really is and how far I have yet to go.  I'm also grateful that we can choose to enjoy the journey along the way.
 A part of my little experiment with New Guinea impatiens.  They are starting to shape up a bit and have great potential.  I'm still in the learning mode with this particular variety, but learning is most of the fun anyway.  I try to keep them alive and help them grow.
The real Gardner seems to be able to turn hundreds of acres into magnificent colors with seeming little effort very spring, and that is just one little corner of His garden. He gives them life and causes them to grow.  Every time I open my eyes, I think of the words of the song How Great Thou Art.

1 comment:

Alison Daugs said...

So true... So true..