Saturday, March 23, 2013

Early Springtime Activities on South Fifth Street

It is springtime in the Rockies again.  Sun shines one minute, snowing the next.  The snow has mostly gone and there are signs of lots of yard work to do, baseball games to be played, and all around fun to be had.  I have been  working on Ryan fallen tree a little bit in spare time if the sun was shining.  It's going to be a project and we'll eventually get it all sawed up and stacked away for winter firewood, or hauled off to the dump.  It has actually felt good for me to get outside and do a little more physical work and some good fresh air in my lungs.  I'll just take it easy and do what I can at my own pace.  I'm not as young as I used to be.  I was sawing the other day when the kids came home from school.  They are so precious.  We are fortunate to live close enough to watch them grow.

Here is Micah sitting on the trunk of the huge tree in their yard which fell down with the spring thaw.
That is no small stick.
Ryan came home after baseball practice at the high school. He's the coach and Micah is his little protégé.  They both love baseball.  They are lucky to have such a nice big yard in which to play.
Tristan is not to be out done.  He's learning to play baseball too.
Annika got caught trying out the swing in her yard.  When I left to go home I took her home with me.
She had fun with Grandma Iris, while I helped a couple in our ward with their family history.

1 comment:

meegz said...

Always fun to see the ground again after the snow! Glad you are enjoying your grandchildren!